Jennifer Mondfrans

Thematic Painter


Journey of a hero

Inspired by Joseph Campbell, this series explores the idea of mythological archetypes, using a narrative of color and characters to create an emotional connection to the unconscious. Campbell defines myth as "an organization of symbolic forms, images, and narratives that are metaphoric of the possibilities of human experience and fulfillment in a given society at a given time.”

The titles are from Campbell's book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. The portraits are of people who have influenced my journey. And the figurative paintings are my friends as subjects, where we collaborated in a performative process to create scenes that convey the metaphoric possibilities of our own mythology.

Master of the Two Worlds

Where we thought...

The ogre-tyrant...

For his passing and returning...


The essence of oneself...

Thus lives the man of realization

Life has no meaning...

Returning to the root...